Sunday, April 30, 2006

Parrot held in prison

A parrot has spent five days under police 'interrogation' in prison in Argentina.

A judge ordered Pepo to be held in custody until he told police who was his real owner, reports UOL.

vTwo neighbours, Jorge Machado and R Vega, were disputing ownership of the bird.

Judge Osvaldo Carlos decided the parrot should be sent to prison until he said the name of his owner.

After five days, Pepo said Jorge's name and also sung the anthem of his favourite football team San Lorenzo.

Mr Machado said: "I knew he wasn't going to let me down, he is a real friend and we support the same football team."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

26 April 2006

So, today a friend of mine told me that I don't write often here, so I decided to write this :P. Well last week was kinda busy and sad so I wasn't in the mood to write here, anyways hoping that things will be better.

Soon my birthday. I don't wanna grow older but I love pressieessssss :):):). Received my payslip today and already down with thinking how broke I'm gonna be this month if I don't win the super 5 tonight, waaaa I wish it would make things so much simpler. First thing I'll do is a long long long holiday with my boyfriend and buying a new car for someone so special. ahhhh what nice dreams...

Anyways if you want to talk just leave a message here or just say hi on MSN :)

so long


Sunday, April 23, 2006

More about me


1. What time is it now? 11.45 am

2. What is your full name? Loridana

3. Single or taken? Taken

4. When is your birthday? 13th June

5. Who picked out your name? Parents I think

6. Do you like your name? Yeah

7. What's your nickname? Lori, Lori-D (when my manager is drunk)

8. How old are you? 19

9. What colour are your eyes? Hazel

10. What size are your shoes? 39

11. How tall (or short) are you? 160cm

12. Honestly, what do you like about yourself? Dunno my eyes maybe

13. Honestly, what are your best character qualities? Friendly and good sense of humour

14. What do you always get complimented on? Eyes and boobs

15. What is your worst quality? Too talkative when in the mood and sometime I must have my way

16. What is you phone number? If you're close to me you already know it, if not, hard luck

17.Do you think you're cute? Hope that I am cute to the people that matter

18. Hair colour? Heq him depends what I liked on the hairdresser hair colouring board

19. Do you wear contacts? no

20. You're a flirt? Depends with whom and the circumstances

21. You're slutty? If I want to be :P

22. You Mean? no

23. You like someone? Of course

24. You dance in front of the mirror? everyday

25. You sing in the shower? yeah

26. You liked Britney Spears? In the beginning


28. Favourite Drink? Cappucino

29. Favourite alcoholic drink? Baileys/ Malibu / Jack Coke

30. Favourite Month? June

31. Favourite Board Game? Snakes and Ladders

32. Favourite Web Site?

33. Favourite Clothing Brand? Terranova / Miss Selfridge / etc etc as long as it suites me and I like it, it doesn't really matter what brand

34. Favourite day of the Year? Christmas

35. Favourite colour? Pink

36. Favourite Animals? Cats and tigers


37. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? Boys

38. Are your best friends males or females? both

39. How often do you get together with the family? Rarely

40. Do you tell your parents or your friends more? Friends

41. Anything special about your parents? When they're in a good mood they're really funny

42. Siblings and their ages? Sis – 13 I think

43. What's so cool about your peer? Always up for a good laugh

44. Anything you would like to change in your group of friends? Not really

45. Who would you like to know more? Always discovering new things about people

46. Have you liked a cousin? no

47. Have you been in the opposite sexes bathroom? Yeah once I was so drunk that my friend and me couldn't open the girls bathroom door because we tried to open it from the wrong side so we went to the men's bathroom to pee

48. You've seriously hurt someone? no

49. You've been hurt seriously? Yeah

50. You swear? You bet? Try to do one day working in customer care

51. You get your way? Yeah but I learned how to give others a chance too

52. You're willing to try new things? always

53. Why do some people find it hard to be true? Maybe they told too many lies and it is hard to make it right?


54. What are you wearing? Err still in my PJs

55. What colour are your pants? White and Pink :D

56. What are you listening to? Nothing

57. How are you feeling? Dunno really

58. What are you doing? This questionnaire

59. How many people are online? open msn and having a peek: 11

60. How's the weather? Sunny

61. What books are you reading? Da Vinci Code Again

62. What's in your purse? More Cards then money

63. briefs or boxers? boxers mmmm especially with a cartoon character on them

64. Tall or short boys? Taller then me

65. Blonde or brunettes? Brunettes

66. Panties showing? No

67. What's in your pockets? No pockets in my PJ

68. Piercing on galss? no

69. What do you find annoying in girls? They can be really really really bitchy

70. What's the first thing you notice about girls? How they're ddresed

71. What was the last movie/dvd you saw? NET 2.0

72. What did you have for dinner? Pizza yesterday was the last thing I ate

73. What movie do you really want to see? As long as it has a good story anything will do

74. Tell us about those scars? 1 on my leg that I did in Greece and it is still there

75. Would u rather be with ur bf/gf or ur friend or ur family? bf

76. Where is your favourite place to travel? France

77. What did you last dream about? Too shy to tell you

78. What's the last thing you ate? Pizza yesterday

79. Ever had a crush on a teacher? yeah

80. Are you too shy to ask someone out? No, I did

81. Scary movies or happy ending? Happy Ending

82. Summer or winter? Summer

83. Relationships or one-night stands? Relationships

84. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate definitively

85. Do you think your friends will write back? Nope

86. What did you do last night? Read in Bed and then ZzZzZz

87. What is your greatest wish right now? Too rude to put in here

88. Who do you miss right now? My BF

89. How do you find school? Good Times

90. How's do u imagine your dream girl/boy? A bit taller then me, with nice blue eyes and a brunette with a good sense of humour

91. Best character qualities that catch your heart? Good sense of humour and caring

92. How's your life now? Dunno, really

93. Do you want it different in the future? yeah

94. Craziest thing you've done? buqqqq

95. Most embarrassing moment/s? Once I was drunk and I laughed so hard I almost peed in my pants (well just a little bit)

96. What's one thing you wish you'll never do again? The swearing I did this week

97. Many find themselves getting down, what do you think are the main

reasons for this? No people to support them

98. Who is most likely to respond? no1

99. Who is least likely to respond? every1

100. Time now? 12.02

Problems With The Car

WIFE: "There's trouble with the car. It has water in the carburettor."
HUSBAND: "Water in the carburettor? That's ridiculous."
WIFE: "I tell you the car has water in the carburettor."
HUSBAND: "You don't even know what a carburettor is. I'll check it out.
Where's the car?"
WIFE: "In the pool."

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Which Baby Are You?

------------JUNE BABY -------------

You've got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have an a very attractive partner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likely that you have a massive record collection. You have a great choice in films, and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you've got the looks for it!!!

20 April 06

Chatting with the actor of the next film of Cruel Intentions

LoRi says: ule babe its no problem
eChoe says: NO PROBLEM?
eChoe says: you forget ur name ffs
LoRi says:i never forgot my name
eChoe says: zgur?
eChoe says: have you forgotten that you forgot ur name? ALSOOOOOO?
LoRi says: iiiiiiiii xint cruel
LoRi says: next film of cruel intentions lilek ha jaghzlu

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Day

Hej, I would like to wish you all HAPPY EASTER...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Keeping a Woman and a Man Happy

How to Make a Woman Happy

It's not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be:

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate


45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very rich
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls


51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself
53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes


54. Never to forget:
* birthdays
* anniversaries
* arrangements she makes


1. Show up naked
2. Bring food
3. Hand over the remote

Friday, April 14, 2006

Public Holiday

So it's the end of the working week, earlier this week due to a public holiday today. It's been quite a good day. I've had my hair done yesterday so today getting ready was pretty fast :D. Feeling happy today don't know why. I've watched a film I liked this evening it's called "In her Shoes", it's what I call one of the girls movies.

So, tomorrow must be car day, I got quite a lot of check ups to take my car too apperently. Hope I clear everything up tomorrow, rust/panel beater and alarm and have it working everything all fine again :D:D.

So, for now au reviour, and keep staying good ;)



Monday, April 10, 2006


1. We are always late, we would have missed all the flights.
2. The pretty girls on the plane would distract us.
3. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.
4. With food and drinks on the plane, we would forget why we're there.
5. We talk with our hands, therefore we would have to put our weapons down.
6. We would ALL want to fly the plane.
7. We would argue and start a fight in the plane.
8. We can't keep a secret, we would have told everyone a week before doing it.
9. We would have put our country's flag on the windshield.
you missed number 10...
10.We would all have fallen over each other to be in the photograph being taken by one of the hostages.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Saturday and Sunday

Ah well I am currently relaxed listening to some songs of Kelly Clarkson. This weekend was really good. Yesterday my bf and me went to see the film, Ice Age 2, The Metldown, and it is really a good movie we laughed so much. Today was relax like the usual Sundays. I really like to take it easy Sundays, its's a nice way to end the week after 5 days full of work. For today that is all, me going off to bed to continue reading 'Da Vinci Code', cya around next week. Always take take and be good or at least play it safe :P.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

L-ahhar tal-gimgha

Illum iddecidejt li nibda nikteb hawnekk bil-Malti xi kultant. Skuzawni jekk tibdew iissibu ftit zballji pero ilni hafna ma nikteb bil-Malti.

Ilbierah filghaxija hsilt hasla sew il-karozza. Dalghodu pero x'hin mort nilustraha hadt qagha xejn sabiha ghax sibt iz-zebgha qed imur taht il-bieba tal-passigier. Dil-gimgha irrid nara ezattament x ha naghmilla u min fejn habba l garanzija tal-karozza stess.

Bhala ktieb x'naqra ghadni ghaddeja b' 'Da Vinci Code'. Kumbinazzjoni wkoll ilbierah inqatet is-sentenza ta' Dan Brown li ma kisirx il-ligi tal-copyright billi ha l-idea mill-ktieb "Holy Blood Holy Grail' kif qalu l-kittieba ta dan il-ktieb stess. Nghidilkom aktar x'nahseb pero meta jiena stess inkun lestejt naqra it-tieni ktieb.

Fuq nota tassew posittiva, l-ahhar tal-gimgha wasal fl-ahhar. Is-sajf riesaq gmielu wkoll. Ejja ha nqacctulu gbinnnnn!!!!
Films interessanti li rajt dan l-ahhar:- 'Deuce Bigalow, European Gigalow', film tad-dahk mit-tajbin, jekk trid dahka tajba, qis li tara dal-film. Rajt ukoll il-film 'Bad Boys', film tajjeb tal-puluzija ftit jew wisq imginen.

Films li ghandi ghal-din il-gimgha x'nara :-, 'La Femme Nikita', 'Unfaithful', 'Half Light', 'Scarface', 'What Lies Beneath', 'Taxi Driver', 'No Witness', 'The House Next Door', 'The Fourth Angel' u l-ahhar izda mhux l-inqas 'The Forgotten'.
Miri ghal-gimgha li gejja:- NIRBAH IS-SUPER 5, izda jekk hu naqa impossibli m'hemmx x taghmel ghallinqas hux nirranga l-kompjuter teighi u kif qed qabel nara x ha naghmel din il-gimgha fuq il-karozza.
Ghal-llum nahseb ghedt bizzejjed. Narakom il-gimgha ddihela, hudu gost izda bilaghaqal dejjem.



Thursday, April 06, 2006

Freaking @#$%^&* Day

It is the end of a freaking day finally where basically EVERTYHING (and I say that literarly) went wrong. Work problems with the Italians, damn I'm beginning to hate them even more each day, and now my PC broke down, it does not want to switch on and I'm flat broke. I'm currently using an old laptop and although for the years it has it works really good it's just really really really slow and with the temper that I have today it's the last thing that I need.

Oh and to make things worst there are roadworks being done at a road I use to go from and to work, therefore as usual really loads of traffic which is not fun at all. Thank God that yesterday I did a dance/RnB/ pop CD, if you happened to drive by me, you've probably seen me dancing alone, ah well what do you wanna do, I'm not in a really good state of mind lately and to be sure that I don't forget that, my bf is remind me quite often about it :P.

Anyways as you might have noticed I'm in a talkative mood today and as Panadols and other painkillers are out of stock due to my collegaues buying loads of them today (wonder why?) it's better that I end this post RIGHT NOW!.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Heavenly discrimination

This is what I received from a gozo colleague of mine ..... (no comment)

Tajba ......... jekk ma tkunx Malti (u jekk Malti hudha ma saqajk!!!)

God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael, the archangel, found him, resting on the seventh day.

He inquired of God. "Where have you been?"
God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction, and proudly pointed downwardsthrough the clouds, "Look, Michael. Look what I've made.

"Archangel Michael looked puzzled, and said, "What is it?""It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put Life on it. I'm going tocall it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance.

"Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused.God explained, pointing to different parts of earth. "For example,Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while Asia isgoing to be poorer.

Over there I've placed a continent of white people, and over there is acontinent of black people. Balance in all things," God continuedpointing to different countries. "This one will be extremely hot, whilethis one will be very cold and covered in ice."

The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a tiny landarea and said, "What's that one?"

"Ah," said God "That's Gozo, the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful hills, scenic valleys, sandy beaches, rich fields,rocky steppes, and clean environment.

The people from Gozo are going to be cunning, modest, intelligent, andhard workers and they are going to be found traveling the world. Theywill be extremely sociable, hardworking, high achieving and they will beknown throughout the world as reliable and a benefit to society."

Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then asked, "But what aboutbalance, God? You said there would be balance." God smiled, "I thoughtof that... Wait until you see the idiots I put as their neighbours!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Your Birthdate: June 13

Your Birthdate: June 13

You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge.
While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator.
Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down.
You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way.

Your strength: You always get the job done
Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault
Your power color: Gray
Your power symbol: Checkmark
Your power month: April

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Kissing Test

You're a Romantic Kisser

For you, kissing is all about feeling the romanceYou love to kiss under the stars or by the seaThe perfect kiss involves the perfect moodIt's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet

That is me, if you want to take the quiz you can take it on this website:-

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Three Blondes were driving to Disneyland. After being in the car for fourhours they finally saw a sign that said "Disneyland -- "Left", so they turned around and went home.